During The 2012 US Presidential Election, President Barack Obama successfully employed a re-election campaign strategy focused on micro-targetting specific groups. He understood that modern day America is a melting pot of differently motivated identity groups, be they racially or socially driven, equally capable of activation. That in today’s world, those cultural groups speak louder than ever before, emboldened by the hopes of our political process and its messages of justice and equality for all.

Like politics, cultural differences have been, and continue to manifest themselves through the art of fragrance. Scents we identify with (or don’t) can say a lot about who we are and where we came from. Certain olfactive accords can have deeper cultural meaning. How and where a fragrance is made might drive your purchasing decision. Yes, even the world of scent has its differences of opinion. Just look at what “babies” smell like all over the world.

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